mySql服务无法启动问题解决方案,mysql服务无法启动 1067 错误,进程意外终止 分类: 数据库. 标签: mysql , mysql错误 . 评论 (0) . 热度:2648 mysql服务无法启动 1067 错误,进程意外终止 A system error has occurred.System error 1067 has occurred.The process terminated unexpectedly.[......] 阅读全文 »
MySQL 1130 错误, mysql 远程连接错误 , 远程连接失败 分类: 数据库. 标签: mysql , mysql错误 . 评论 (0) . 热度:2380 你想myuser使用mypassword从任何主机连接到mysql服务器的话。 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'myuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypassword' WITH GRANT OPTION;[......] 阅读全文 »
Table ‘xxx’ is marked as crashed and should be rep 分类: 数据库. 标签: mysql错误 , mysql . 评论 (1) . 热度:2183 Table ‘xxx’ is marked as crashed and should be repaired 错误的修复方法 1 .用phpmyadmin 2 用mysqlcheck命令[......] 阅读全文 »